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Levantine Arabic

Levantine Arabic Pronunciation

Learn how to pronounce Levantine Arabic and read the phonemic transcription used in Lingualism materials.

Egyptian Arabic

Hesham’s Birthday

Hesham tells us about his birthday outing with some friends… and a few animals.

Levantine Arabic

Around Dubai

Eman tells us about Dubai, the city she lives in, and why she thinks it’s so amazing.

Modern Standard Arabic

Master Arabic

There’s a moment in almost every intermediate Arabic student’s journey when you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock. You know enough words to construct an essay (sort of), but not enough to explain a film plot with any kind of nuance. I was…


Russian Roots: лиц/лич (face)

Today I would like to show you how productive the root лич/лиц (face) is and share some frequently used collocations and idioms in which the derivatives of this root are used. Поехали!

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