Arabic Misc.

Arabic Misc.

Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?

Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?

Arabic Misc.

Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries

Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?

Arabic Misc.

Arabic Dialects: A Quick Glance

Just how many “Arabics” are there? How many varieties? It’s not a question with a straightforward answer. Arabic comprises of a continuum of dialects stretching over the entire Arab world—from northern Africa to western Asia.

Arabic Misc.

Güncel Arapça-Türkçe Ortak Kelimeler

Türkçe diliyle ilk tanıştığımda… 2008 yılında İskenderiye Üniversitesinde ilk katıldığım Türkçe dersini hala hatırlıyorum. Aşağı yukarı 10 yıl oldu… ufak tefek ayrıntılarıyla o gün aklıma geliyor. ‘bakalım nasıl bir dil olacak’ diye düşünüp, o anda bize tuhaf gelen bazı harflerin seslerine gülüşüp, defterlerimize komik notlar aldığımızı bile hatırlıyorum. ‘A…anne’ … ‘Be- baba’ dan …. ‘Ke-

Arabic Misc.

Learn Arabic with BBC Xtra

I love BBC Xtra. It provides me with a daily dose of listening and reading practice. I often listen to it at the gym or during my daily commute…

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