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Mohamed tells us about a night of playing music with his friends. What kind of music do they play?

انا راجل عاشق للموسيقى. من اكتر الحاجات اللى بديها حيز من اهتماماتى هى الموسيقى بجميع انواعها. و بقضى وقت كبير بختار الاغانى و الموسيقى و الفرق اللى بسمعهم، و عشان انا كده فا ليا صحاب كتير ليهم نفس الاهتمامات. و كمان بيعزفوا على آلات موسيقيه. امبارح كلمت صديقى العزيز حسام، عازف العود، و قالى انه هو و اصدقائه فى البيت عنده و عاملين يعزفوا. اول ما قالى كده رحت نازل على طول على الرغم من ان الدنيا بتمطر و الشوارع غرقانه. رحت واخد عربيتى و رايحله. لما قابلته كان معاه اتنين صحابه بيعزفوا على الجيتار و الجميل فى الموضوع ان العود و الجيتار لما بيتجمعوا بيطلعوا خليط جميل من الموسيقى الشرقى و الغربى. حسام عزف منفرد الاول اغنيه جميله لام كلثوم و بعديها باهى صديقه رد عليه بمقطوعه جميله لبيتهوفن، و انا قاعد مستمتع جداً بسماع الموسيقى الجميله. بعد ما كل واحد عزف لوحده قرروا يلعبوا مع بعض فا عزفوا اغنيه لفيروز. و بعديها اغنيه جميله جداً لنيرفانا اسمها The Man Who Sold the World. و انا كنت قاعد مستمتع جداً و بغنى معاهم على الرغم من صوتى الوحش. الحقيقه انى كنت مروح مبسوط جداً من هذه الامسيه الفنيه الجميله و نمت نوم هادئ و عميق.

I am a man who adores music. One of the things I dedicate my time to most is music with all its genres. I spend a lot of time choosing the music, songs, and bands I listen to. And that’s why I have lots of friends who share with me the same interests, as well as play musical instruments. Yesterday, I phoned my friend Hossam, a lutanist, and he told me that he and two of his friends were at his house playing music. As soon as he told me that, I immediately went to see him even though it was raining hard and the streets were covered in water. I took my car and went to see him. When I met him, he had two of his friends with him playing the guitar and the nice thing is that when the lute and guitar are together they produce a beautiful mix of Oriental and Western music. First, Hossam did a solo of a beautiful song by Om Kalthoom, after which Bahi, his friend, responded with a piece by Beethoven, and I was truly enjoying listening to the music. After everyone played a solo, they decided to play together. So they played a song by Fairouz. After that, they performed a beautiful song by Nirvana called The Man Who Sold the World. I was really enjoying myself and singing with them despite my awful voice. In the end, I went home very happy with this nice, artistic evening and had a calm, deep sleep.

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