Media Arabic Vocabulary 3: Anki Flashcards

Media Arabic Vocabulary 3: Anki Flashcards

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Anki Flashcards


1497 flashcards


B2, C1

Over 1,400 flashcards with audio. Use Anki’s SRS (spaced repetition system) to maximize your memorization of new vocabulary and sentence structures.

Before You Buy

Please, be sure you have the Anki app installed and are familiar with how to use it before you buy our Anki decks. Click on the icon for links to install the app. (Note: Lingualism is not the app developer. We merely sell decks (data files) that work with the app.)

‘Media Arabic Vocabulary 3’ Anki Flashcards presents all key vocabulary words and phrases from the book along with their example sentences with audio for each. Each card is presented twice, Arabic-English and then English-Arabic, bringing the actual number of cards to  over 2,900.

The Media Arabic Vocabulary Anki flashcards contain sub-decks for each unit (Military and Conflict, Religion and Society, and Weather and Natural Disasters). You can study a sub-deck to focus on the vocabulary from a particular unit or study the main deck to review vocabulary from all units.

Anki flashcards provide a highly effective method for mastering the vocabulary found in the related eBook (sold separately). Thanks to Anki’s smart spaced repetition technique, you get to optimize memory retention. Additionally, you can repeatedly listen to and emulate the pronunciation from the sample sentences to enhance your listening skills. Once you feel confident in your learning, you can gauge your progress by reading the related articles and other texts in the eBook.

The cards in Arabic-English format showcase the key word (or phrase) in Arabic, its irregular plural or verbal noun (masdar) form, and an audio clip of the key word (which can be replayed by clicking the audio icon). If you struggle to remember the English translation of a word, try looking at the example sentence. This sentence can serve as a hint, helping you decipher the meaning based on the context. In a subsequent stage, you’ll be given the English-Arabic version of the card, which displays the English translations of the key word and example sentence. Your task is to remember the Arabic equivalent of the key word, and for as an optional challenge, convert the example sentence back into Arabic. Upon revealing the answer, both the word and sentence in Arabic will be visible and audible to you.

Click the video below to see the flashcards in action:

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