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Kütüphâne – Beyond The Meaning – 1

Explore the origins of Turkish words and unlock new insights into language and culture with our new ‘Beyond the Meaning’ series. Let’s look at the suffix -hâne.


Tired of Google Translate? Best Dictionaries for Learning Turkish

In this first blog, after a long time of research and review, I have listed the top dictionaries for Turkish learners, which, surprisingly, are not very popular among learners. If you are interested in getting help on your Turkish journey.

Egyptian Arabic

Weather in Egyptian Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Levantine Arabic

Family in Lebanese Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Maghrebi Arabic

Tunisian Arabic Grammar

This is a brief introduction to Tunisian Arabic grammar. It covers the basics of noun and adjective inflections as well as verb conjugations. It also highlights some of the idiosyncrasies of Tunisian Arabic that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.

Modern Standard Arabic

Daily Routines–Abdulkarem

Arabic teacher Mostafa Ahmed takes us through segments in MSA from Lingualism’s book Arabic Voices 1: Authentic Listening and Reading Practice in Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Dialects, explaining interesting points of grammar and vocabulary.

The “Random” series

We’ve just published the first two eBooks in a new series named “Random,” and as the name implies, each book is a collection of unrelated sentences at the given level, with audio and English translations. Simple concept–and the idea is

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