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Levantine Arabic

Levantine Arabic for Language Learners

Levantine Arabic, rich in history and culture, is your key to the Middle Eastern world. Discover practical tips and insights to master this melodic dialect.

Egyptian Arabic

Egyptian Arabic for Language Learners

Discover the unique features, historical context, and cultural significance of Egyptian Arabic, and learn practical tips for mastering this vibrant dialect.

Arabic Misc.

Is Arabic Really That Hard to Learn?

Learning a new language is an exciting endeavor, yet many language learners are hesitant about Arabic. Is it really as difficult as people say? Let’s explore whether Arabic deserves its reputation as a tough language and why it might be more approachable than you think.

Egyptian Arabic

Numbers in Egyptian Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Levantine Arabic

Adverbs in Lebanese Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Maghrebi Arabic

Numbers in Moroccan Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Arabic Misc.

Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries

Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?

Modern Standard Arabic

Language in Modern Standard Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

The “Random” series

We’ve just published the first two eBooks in a new series named “Random,” and as the name implies, each book is a collection of unrelated sentences at the given level, with audio and English translations. Simple concept–and the idea is

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