Lebanese (Arabic vs. Arabic) Anki Flashcards

Lebanese (Arabic vs. Arabic) Anki Flashcards

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Anki Flashcard File (.apkg)


300 cards per deck

300 flashcards with audio. Use Anki’s SRS (spaced repetition system) to study the vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar of Lebanese Colloquial Arabic.

To see a sample of Anki flashcards in use, click here.

Note: These flashcards contain the Lebanese Arabic words and phrases from the book Arabic vs. Arabic: A Dialect Sampler

Before You Buy

Please, be sure you have the Anki app installed and are familiar with how to use it before you buy our Anki decks. Click on the icon for links to install the app. (Note: Lingualism is not the app developer. We merely sell decks (data files) that work with the app.)


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