Beginning Learner’s Ukrainian Dictionary: Anki Flashcards

Beginning Learner’s Ukrainian Dictionary: Anki Flashcards

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Anki Flashcards




1,900+ flashcards

Over 1,900 flashcards with audio. Use Anki’s SRS (spaced repetition system) to master Ukrainian vocabulary.

Before You Buy

Please, be sure you have the Anki app installed and are familiar with how to use it before you buy our Anki decks. Click on the icon for links to install the app. (Note: Lingualism is not the app developer. We merely sell decks (data files) that work with the app.)

Watch the video to see the layout of the cards.

With over 1,900 flashcards, this Anki deck contains all of the headwords from the Beginning Learner’s Ukrainian Dictionary. The deck includes reverse cards, bringing the actual total number of cards to over 3,800. These reverse cards show the English translation first, forcing you to see how well you can recall the Ukrainian. See the sample images to get a better understanding of the cards’ layouts.

Audio, recorded by a native speaker of Ukrainian in Kyiv, accompanies each card.

There are four ways you can study the cards:

  1. Alphabetical order: By default, cards will be presented in alphabetical order. (You can check your settings under Options to see if it is set to Alphabetical Order.) Each headword from the dictionary will be presented, followed by its example sentence(s).
  2. Random order: Click Options and set the order to “show new cards in random order.” You will see both headwords and example sentences. If you only want to study headwords (and not example sentences), suspend all cards tagged “example”.
  3. Only specific words: If you prefer to focus on specific words, you can suspend all cards (so that they are not presented) and unsuspend only those you which to be tested on. To suspend all cards: Browse → Current Deck → highlight all cards → Suspend. Then search for cards you want to be tested on and click “suspend” to unsuspend them. Unfortunately, Anki has some search limitations. You may not be able to find a Ukrainian word because accent marks have been written to show stress. To get around this, download the add-on “Ignore accents in browser search” (code: 1924690148), which adds a check-box next to the search bar. For more tips on searching in Anki, click here.

Common Ukrainian first names and grammar terms are not included in the Anki deck. (These can be found in the indexes of the book and audio tracks.)

Informal ‘You’: When studying the English-Ukrainian cards, you would not be able to tell if the Ukrainian translation will be using forms of the informal singular ти or the formal/plural ви. When “you” refers to the informal pronoun, it is marked with an asterisk.


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