Arabic vs. Arabic: Anki Flashcard Decks (Collection of 15 Decks)

Arabic vs. Arabic: Anki Flashcard Decks (Collection of 15 Decks)

(1 customer review)

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Anki Flashcards


A1, A2


4,500 cards

15 decks, each with 300 flashcards with audio. Use Anki’s SRS (spaced repetition system) to study the vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar of the Arabic dialects of your choice. Save 40% by purchasing this Collection rather than the decks individually.

Note: These flashcards contain the words and phrases from the book Arabic vs. Arabic: A Dialect Sampler.

Before You Buy

Please, be sure you have the Anki app installed and are familiar with how to use it before you buy our Anki decks. Click on the icon for links to install the app. (Note: Lingualism is not the app developer. We merely sell decks (data files) that work with the app.)

Click on the video to see a sample from the Qatari deck of Arabic vs. Arabic Anki flashcards.

Each of the 15 decks has 300+ flashcards. There is one flashcard for each word or phrase. The deck includes reverse-cards, bringing the actual total number of cards to more than 600. These reverse-cards show the English translation first, forcing you to see how well you can recall the Arabic.

Algerian • Bahraini • Egyptian • Iraqi • Jordanian • Lebanese • Moroccan • MSA • Palestinian • Qatari • Saudi • Sudanese • Syrian • Tunisian  • Yemeni

1 review for Arabic vs. Arabic: Anki Flashcard Decks (Collection of 15 Decks)

  1. Shafi

    Shafi (verified owner)

    Just feedback to say this is the best Arabic resource I have come across. The content is like nothing else. I had already learned so much shaami from here but now with the Arabic vs Arabic series I csn finally start understanding other dialects in London too. I have always relied on Anki for other subjects which is another reason why this website is such a gem. Shukran jazeelan!

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