Egyptian Arabic Song: Zay Manty (Amr Diab)
Learn Egyptian Arabic with Amr Diab’s Zay Manty (video, English translation, and language notes).

Lebanese Arabic Song: Albi Ya Albi (Nancy Ajram)
Learn Lebanese Arabic with Nancy Ajram’s hit Albi Ya Albi (video, English translation, and language notes).

Unique Words in Arabic Dialects that Even Other Arabs May Not Understand
Part 6 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: What are a few words that are unique to your dialect which Arabs from other countries might find amusing or not understand?

Learn Arabic with Netflix
How to use Netflix to learn Arabic–searching and subtitle hacks.

Expressions with the Eyes in Levantine Arabic
Nadine tells us about dozens of expressions and idioms in Levantine Arabic using the word eye(s) and other words related to seeing. Can you guess their meanings?

Let’s Compare the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Dialect with Modern Standard Arabic
Part 5 in the “Arabs Say…” series: What are the advantages of using your local dialect over MSA? And what are the disadvantages?

Should Dialects Replace Standard Arabic as Official National Languages?
Part 4 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Imagine that your government made your dialect the official language of your country (instead of MSA). It would have a new, standardized spelling system and grammar rules and be used in newspapers and books. What is your opinion?

Egyptian Arabic Reading Practice: Saturated Fats May Affect Concentration
Practice reading Egyptian Arabic.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Greeting (and Kissing!) in Lebanon
We take a look at the customs for greeting in Lebanon. Know what to say in Arabic, when to shake hands, how to kiss Lebanese style.

A Child in My Parents’ Eyes
Rita and her mom had a lovely evening at a restaurant. But who ended up paying for dinner? (Hint: It wasn’t Rita or her mother!)

Lebanese Arabic Song: Khalik Bel Bait (Fairuz)
Learn Lebanese Arabic with Fairuz’s classic song Khalik Bel Bait (video with lyrics, English translation, and language notes).

Salman and Captain America
Salman, age 7, has a story for us. What was Captain America’s fate?