Egyptian Arabic

Egyptian Arabic Pronunciation

Learn how to pronounce Egyptian Arabic and about the sound changes that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.

Arabic Misc.

Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?

Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?

Egyptian Arabic

16 of the Most Common Conjunctions in Egyptian Arabic

Conjunctions are very important. We use them all the time in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. That’s why we will be learning 16 Egyptian Arabic conjunctions today. Conjunctions in Arabic are called…

Maghrebi Arabic

Tunisian Arabic Grammar

This is a brief introduction to Tunisian Arabic grammar. It covers the basics of noun and adjective inflections as well as verb conjugations. It also highlights some of the idiosyncrasies of Tunisian Arabic that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.

Maghrebi Arabic

Tunisian Arabic: A Wonderful Mosaic of Dialects

Table of Contents Are you interested in learning Arabic and its different dialects? Are you curious about the peculiarities of Arabic dialects? Here is a small interesting

Egyptian Arabic

Buying Fruit and Vegetables in Egypt

Yomna tells us about where to buy fruit and vegetables in Egypt, while teaching us some useful words and phrases in Egyptian Arabic.

Egyptian Arabic

Getting a Haircut in Egypt

Ready to get your hair cut in Egypt? Mostafa shares some tips.

Egyptian Arabic

The Sacrifice Feast in Egypt

Yomna tells us about the Sacrifice Feast in Egypt while teaching us some interesting words and phrases related to the holiday in Egyptian Arabic.