Arabic Misc.

My Extensive Reading Routine

Sindri tells us how he has improved his Arabic with extensive reading and listening.

Arabic Misc.

Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?

Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?

Arabic Misc.

Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries

Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?

Modern Standard Arabic

Using an Arabic Dictionary: Tips for Learners

So, you’ve decided to study Arabic. From the get-go, you’re confronted with a number of challenges. You knew, of course, that you would have to

Maghrebi Arabic

Tunisian Arabic Grammar

This is a brief introduction to Tunisian Arabic grammar. It covers the basics of noun and adjective inflections as well as verb conjugations. It also highlights some of the idiosyncrasies of Tunisian Arabic that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.