An Introduction to Media Arabic Vocabulary
Explore Lingualism’s Media Arabic Vocabulary series and learn how to use the materials effectively.
Navigating the World of Arabic News: Challenges, Tips, and Tools
Improve your Arabic language skills in media Arabic. Discover the challenges faced by learners, practical tips for overcoming them, and resources to enhance your media literacy.
Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries
Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?
Using an Arabic Dictionary: Tips for Learners
So, you’ve decided to study Arabic. From the get-go, you’re confronted with a number of challenges. You knew, of course, that you would have to
“Country” Cafés in Egypt
One thing you can’t miss in Egypt, it is the country cafés ilʔahāwi -lbáladi القهاوي البلدي. There is approximately over 100,000 country cafés in Egypt. It is something