My Extensive Reading Routine
Sindri tells us how he has improved his Arabic with extensive reading and listening.
Reading Activities for Arabic as a Second Language
How to use the parallel translations and audio to study with Arabic readers effectively.
Learning New Vocabulary While Reading Arabic
Develop strategies and adopt a productive mindset for dealing with new vocabulary while reading Arabic as a second language.
Is Extensive Reading in Arabic Important?
Learn why extensive reading in Arabic is so important and how to implement it in your learning routine.
Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?
Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?
Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries
Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?
Buying Fruit and Vegetables in Egypt
Yomna tells us about where to buy fruit and vegetables in Egypt, while teaching us some useful words and phrases in Egyptian Arabic.
Having a Good Breakfast in Egypt
What do Egyptians have for breakfast? Can you order your breakfast in Egyptian Arabic? Yomna’s here to help!
The Sacrifice Feast in Egypt
Yomna tells us about the Sacrifice Feast in Egypt while teaching us some interesting words and phrases related to the holiday in Egyptian Arabic.