Learn Arabic as it is really spoken. Listen to and read Egyptian Colloquial Arabic.
Khalaf is a proud uncle. What does he have to say about the youngest member of his family?
السلام عليكم، يا صحابى! عاملين ايه؟ يارب تكونوا كويسين. النهارده عايز احكيلكم عن يوم جميل عشته مع اصغر عضوه معانا فى البيت. احنا عيله تقدر تقول علينا عددها مش كبير انا و اخويا و اختى و والدى و والدتى. اخويا اجوز من سنتين. و خلف حد لذيذ و عسول و هى بنته حبيبه. النهارده عيد ميلاد حبيبه. و دى مناسبه مينفعش انى افوتها او اعديها كده بالساهل من غير ما احكيلكم عليها. حبيبه عمرها دلوقتى سنتين. يااااه السنين عدت بسرعه. انا لسه فاكر يوم ما اتولدت. كنت شغال فى القاهره و اتصلت عليا اختى و بلغتنى بالخبر. كنت طاير وقتها من الفرح لانها كانت اول عيل صغير نشوفه فى عيلتنا الصغيره. حبيبه دلوقتى بدأت تنطق شوية كلام زى بابا، ماما، عمو، تيته. و دلوقتى كمان بتنطق اول حرف بس من اسم عمتها. عمتها اسمها زهراء لكن حبيبه مسمياها “زا”. يوم عيد ميلاد حبيبه فكرت اجيبلها هديه محصلتش، بس كنت محتار لانه سنها صغير والحاجات اللى تعرفها قليله اوى. فكرت كتير اجيبلها ايه؟ ايه؟ و بعدين لقيت نفسى بشتريها شويه بلايين. خصوصا انى كنت شايف انها بدات تسحف و تتحرك فى البيت. و كنت حابب اجيبلها حاجه ملفته و مسليه زى البلالاين. بالليل حضرنا حفلة عيد ميلاد حبيبه اللى كانت بتبصلنا باستغراب احنا و بنحتفل بعيد ميلادها، تحس انها كانت عايزه تسألنا انتو بتعملوا ايه؟ ابوها عبدالله جابلها هديه فستان صغنون على قدها. و مامتها جابتلها فيونكة شعر اطفال لانه شعرها كان بدأ يطول. اما انا فاديتها البالونات اللى جبتها و نفخت منهم واحده. بصت حبيبه للبالونه باستغراب اوى لدرجه خلتنى ضحكت من نظرتها، و بعدين خدتها فى ايديها و بصوابعها الصغيره بدأت تحركها. بحب براءة الاطفال اوى بحسهم حد نقى و جميل. احيانا كتير اوى بسأل نفسى يا ترى حبيبه لما تكبر ممكن تفتكر اللحظات الحلوه دى؟ و كمان تفضل بنفس البراءه دى؟ اتمنى طبعا. اسيبكم دلوقتى عشان الحق اكل حته تورته و كوباية عصير من يد حبيبه.
Hello, my friends! How are you? I hope you’re well. Today, I want to tell you about a nice day I had with the youngest member of our household. We are not what you can call a big family: Me, my brother, my sister, my father, and my mother. My brother got married two years ago. He had a cute, nice baby named Habiba. Today is Habiba’s birthday. I cannot pass this occasion without telling you about it. Now Habiba is two years old. Oh, the years have flown by. I still remember the day she was born. I was working in Cairo, and my sister called me and told me the news. I was full of joy because she was the first baby in our small family. Habiba has now started pronouncing some words like dad, mom, uncle, and grandma. And now, she’s started pronouncing the first letter of her aunt’s name. Her aunt’s name is Zahraa, but Habiba calls her “Za”. On Habiba’s birthday, I thought about getting her a memorable gift, but I was just confused because she’s a baby and knows very few [things]. I thought a long time about what I can get her. What? What? And then I ended up buying her balloons. Especially because I saw that she had started to crawl and move around the house. and I wanted to get her something striking and entertaining like balloons. At night, we attended Habiba’s birthday party. And she looked at us in amazement as we celebrated her birthday. You could tell she wanted to ask us, “What are you doing?” Her father, Abdullah, gave her a small dress in her size. And her mom gave her a children’s hair bow because her hair has started to get long. But I gave her balloons and blew one of them up. Habiba looked at the balloons with such astonishment that she made me laugh from her looks. Then she holed it in her hands and began to move it through small fingers. I like the innocence of children, I think they’re pure and beautiful creatures. I’ve often wondered if Habiba will remember these wonderful moments when she grows up? And will she also keep this innocence? I hope so, of course. Allow me now to eat a piece of cake and drink a cup of juice from Habiba’s hands.