Picture of Rita


Rita is a political scientist by day, a writer by night. Originally Lebanese, Rita has spent the last 14 years between the United States and the United Arab Emirates, where she currently resides. Rita will be returning to the United States shortly, to pursue her graduate studies in foreign policy. In the meantime, you’ll be hearing/reading about her adventures here on Lingualism.
Levantine Arabic

A Child in My Parents’ Eyes

Rita and her mom had a lovely evening at a restaurant. But who ended up paying for dinner? (Hint: It wasn’t Rita or her mother!)

Levantine Arabic

A Vulnerable Patient

When Rita’s dad (pictured) is in the hospital, they find another patient in need of some help. What matter does Rita take into her own hands?

Levantine Arabic

Camel Tongue at the Palace?

Rita has a culinary adventure at the palace. She even tries camel tongue. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever eaten?

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