Home Âť Modern Standard Arabic Âť Childhood Memory-Lilia
Greetings and welcome! [00:00.2] | اŮŘłŮا٠ؚŮŮŮŮ ŮŘąŘŮ ŘŠ اŮŮŮ ŮبعŮاتŮŘ ŘŁŮŮŮا ŮŮ ŘąŘبŮا بŮŮ . | |
In this video, we will talk about what Lilia had to say about her childhood, and the experience she went through. [00:05.4] | ŮŮ Ůذا اŮŮŮŘŻŮŮ ŘłŮŘŞŘŘŻŮŘŤ ؚ٠Ůا ŮاŮŘŞŮ ŮŮŮŮا بشأ٠ءŮŮŮŘŞŮŘ§Ř ŮاŮت؏عب؊ اŮت٠٠عت بŮا. | |
So let's start on page 19, and start specifically on line 1 where Lilia says, "I remember once when I was young, I was about twelve years old at the time," [00:13.3] | ŮŮŮŮا بŮا Ůبدأ Ů٠اŮŘľŮŘŘŠ اŮتاسؚ؊ ŘšŘ´ŘąŘ ŮŮبدأ ŘŞŘŘŻŮŘŻŮا Ů٠اŮسءع اŮŘŁŮŮ ŘŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŘŁŘ°ŮŘą ٠ع؊ ŮŘŁŮا ؾغŮŘąŘŠŘ ŘšŮ ŘąŮ Ř˘Ůذا٠Ůا٠ŘŮاŮ٠ا؍Ůا ؚشع ŘłŮŘŠ)Ř | |
Lilya uses the word آŮذا٠(then) here, and this word refers to a specific time. [00:28.4] | تست؎د٠ŮŮŮŮا ŮŮا ŮŮŮ ŘŠ [آŮذاŮ]Ř ŮŮذ٠اŮŮŮŮ ŘŠ ŘŞŘ´ŮŘą ŘĽŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮ Ů ŘŘŻŘŻ. | |
For example, you can say, âWhen I went to college I was eighteen years old.â When you use آŮذاŮ, you are referring to a specific period or time. [00:35.2] | ŮŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ Ů ŘŤŮŮا: (ŘšŮد٠ا Ř°Ůبت ŘĽŮ٠اŮ؏ا٠ؚ؊ Ůا٠ؚ٠ع٠آŮذا٠؍٠اŮŮŘŠ ؚشع ؚا٠Ůا)Ř ŮŘšŮد٠ا تست؎د٠[آŮذاŮ] ŮŘŁŮŘŞ ŘŞŘ´ŮŘą ŘĽŮŮ Ů ŘŻŘŠ ŘŁŮ ŘĽŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮ Ů ŘŘŻŘŻ. | |
You can also use the phrase Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ. For example, in this example Lilia says, "I remember once when I was young at the time, it was about twelve years old," آŮذا٠or Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ, you can use either of them. [00:51.4] | ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŮŘ°Ů٠أ٠تست؎د٠ŮŮŮ ŘŠ [Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮت⌠Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ]Ř Ů ŘŤŮŮا ŮŮ Ůذا اŮ٠؍ا٠تŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŘŁŘ°ŮŘą ٠ع؊ ŮŘŁŮا ؾغŮع؊ ؚ٠ع٠Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ Ůا٠ŘŮاŮ٠ا؍Ůا ؚشع ŘłŮŘŠ)Ř [آŮذاŮ] ŘŁŮ [Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ]Ř ŮŮ ŮŮ٠است؎دا٠أŮŮا Ů ŮŮ٠ا. | |
On line 3, Lilia says, "He had received an attractive offer to work there for four years," and we often use the word ٠غع٠(offer) or the phrase ؚع؜ ٠غع٠(attractive offer) in Arabic, which means that there was⌠there was a very good offer so her father accepted the job. [01:16.6] | Ů٠اŮسءع اŮ؍اŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮŮŘŻ ŘŞŮŮ٠ؚع؜Ůا ٠غعŮŮا ŮŮؚ٠٠ŮŮاŮŮ ŮŮ ŘŻŘŠ أعبؚ ŘłŮŮات)Ř ŮŮŘŤŮŘąŮا ٠ا Ůست؎د٠ŮŮŮ ŘŠ [ؚع؜] أ٠ؚباع؊ [ؚع؜ ٠غعŮ] Ů٠اŮŮغ؊ اŮؚعبŮŘŠŘ ŮŮذا ŮŘšŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŮŮاŮ⌠Ůا٠ŮŮا٠ؚع؜ ŘŹŮŘŻ ŘŹŘŻŮا ŮŘ°ŮŮ ŮŮبŮŮ ŮاŮŘŻŮا اŮؚ٠Ů. | |
You could say, "I bought the house because it was a very attractive offer." That is to say, a very good offer. [01:42.4] | ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (اشتعŮŘŞ اŮبŮŘŞ ŮŘŁŮŮ Ůا٠ؚع؜Ůا ٠غعŮŮا)Ř ŘšŘąŘśŮا ٠غعŮŮا ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮ٠ؚع؜ ŘŹŮŘŻ ŘŹŘŻŮا. | |
After that, we move to line 7, where Lilia says, "I even thought she was joking with me," and here Lilia uses the verb ŘŽŮŮŮŘŞ which means 'I thought,' and this verb is... that is, it is used in Classical Arabic, "I thought something" that is, "I thought something." [01:55.5] | بؚد Ř°ŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮŮ ŘĽŮ٠اŮسءع اŮŘłŘ§Ř¨ŘšŘ ŘŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŘŘŞŮ ŘĽŮŮ ŘŽŮŮŮŘŞŮŮا ŘŞŮ Ř˛Ř Ů ŘšŮ)Ř ŮŮŮا تست؎د٠ŮŮŮŮا اŮŮؚ٠[ŘŽŮŮŮŘŞ] ŮŮ٠ب٠ؚŮ٠ظŮŮت⌠ب٠ؚŮŮ [ظŮŮŘŞ]Ř ŮŮذا اŮŮؚ٠ŮŮŮŮ⌠ŮŘšŮŮ Ůست؎د٠Ů٠اŮؚعبŮŘŠ اŮŮŘľŘŮŘ [ŘŽŮŮŮŘŞ Ř´ŮŘĄ] ŘŁŮ [ظŮŮŘŞ Ř´ŮŘŚŮا ٠ا]. | |
You can say, "I thought he wanted to talk to me," that is, "I thought he wanted to talk to me," both of them have the same meaning. [02:20.88] | ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŽŮŮŮŘŞŮ ŮŘąŮŘŻ اŮŘŞŘŘŻŮŘŤ Ů ŘšŮ)Ř ŘŁŮ (ظŮŮŘŞŮ ŮŘąŮŘŻ اŮŘŞŘŘŻŮŘŤ Ů ŘšŮ)Ř ŮŮاŮ٠ا ب٠ؚŮŮا ŮاŘŘŻ. | |
On line 11, Lilia says, "I was very attached to my friends, my family, my school, my city, my neighborhood, and even my country Tunisia," and you see here how ب٠has been repeated before each of the names Lilia used. [02:31.6] | Ů٠اŮسءع اŮŘاد٠ؚشع ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮŮŘŻ ŮŮŘŞ Ř´ŘŻŮŘŻŘŠ اŮŘŞŘšŮŮ٠بأؾدŮا،ŮŘ Ř¨ŘšŘ§ŘŚŮŘŞŮŘ Ř¨Ů ŘŻŘąŘłŘŞŮŘ Ůب٠دŮŮŘŞŮŘ Ř¨ŘاعتŮŘ Ř¨Ů ŮبتŮŮŘł بŮŘŻŮ)Ř Ůتع٠ŮŮا ŮŮŮ ŮŘŻ ŘŞŮععت [اŮباإ] Ůب٠Ů٠٠٠اŮأس٠اإ اŮت٠است؎د٠تŮا ŮŮŮŮا. | |
When using the verb ŮŘŞŘšŮŮŮ (to relate), we often attach it to بŮ, so we say, "So-and-so relates to something, I am attached to my country, I am related to my country," whether you use the verb or any of the different adjectives or infinitives, you attach it to the preposition بŮ. [02:57.1] | ŮŘšŮŘŻ است؎دا٠اŮŮؚ٠[ŮŘŞŘšŮŮŮ] غاŮبŮا ٠ا ŮŮŘŮ٠بŘع٠[اŮباإ]Ř ŮŮŮŮŮ: (ŮŘŞŘšŮŮŮ ŮŮا٠بشŮŘĄ Ů Ř§Ř ŘŁŮا ŘŁŘŞŘšŮŮ٠ببŮŘŻŮŘ ŘŁŮا Ů ŘŞŘšŮŮ٠ببŮŘŻŮ)Ř ŘłŮاإ٠٠ا است؎د٠ت اŮŮؚ٠أ٠أ٠٠٠اŮŘľŮات اŮŮ ŘŽŘŞŮŮŘŠ اŮŘľŮŘŠ أ٠اŮ٠ؾدع ŮŘŞŮŘŮ٠بŘع٠اŮباإ. | |
I am attached to my friends," that is, I love them very much, and I do not want to leave them. "I am attached to my country," and so on. [03:22.9] | (ŘŁŮا Ů ŘŞŘšŮŮ٠بأؾدŮا،Ů)Ř ŘŁŮ ŘĽŮŮŮ ŘŁŘبŮŮ ŘŹŘŻŮŘ§Ř ŮŮا ŘŁŘąŮŘŻ ŘŁŮ ŘŁŘŞŘąŮŮŮ Ř (ŘŁŮا Ů ŘŞŘšŮŮ٠ببŮŘŻŮ)Ř ŮŮŮذا. | |
After that, we move to line 13, where Lilia says, "I remember how much I cried that night, and how sad," and here Lilia uses the word ŮŮ (how much) for amounts⌠to emphasize, she says, "l⌠not only did I cry, but how much I cried that night, and how sad I was." [03:33.4] | بؚد Ř°ŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮŮ ŘĽŮ٠اŮسءع اŮ؍اŮŘŤ ŘšŘ´ŘąŘ ŘŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŘŁŘ°ŮŘą Ů٠بŮŮŘŞ ŘŞŮ٠اŮŮŮŮŘŠŘ ŮŮŮ ŘزŮŘŞ)Ř ŮŮŮا تست؎د٠ŮŮŮŮا ŮŮŮ ŘŠ [ŮŮ ] ŮŮ٠باŮغ⌠ŮŮ٠باŮغ؊ ŮŮŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŘŁŮا Ů⌠Ů٠أبŮŮ ŮŮŘˇŘ ŮŮŮŮ Ů٠بŮŮŘŞ ŘŞŮ٠اŮŮŮŮŘŠŘ ŮŮŮ ŘزŮŘŞ. | |
And when you use ŮŮ before a verb, you can use this form to emphasize, to say that something happened to a great extent, "how sad," "how we cried." [03:57.6] | ŮŘšŮد٠ا تست؎د٠[ŮŮ ] Ůب٠اŮŮŘšŮŘ ŮŮ ŮŮ٠أ٠تست؎د٠Ůذ٠اŮŘľŮغ؊ ŮŮ٠باŮŘşŘŠŘ ŮŮŮŮ٠بأ٠شŮŘŚŮا ŮŘŻ ŘŘŻŘŤ ŘĽŮŮ ŘŘŻŮ ŮبŮŘąŘ (ŮŮ ŘزŮŘŞŘ Ů٠بŮŮŘŞ). | |
For example, you can say, "How many countries I havev seen!" If you have traveled in your life to many countries, then you can say, "How many countries I have seen," meaning that you have seen⌠have seen many countries. [04:13.6] | ŮŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ Ů ŘŤŮŮا: (Ů٠عأŮŘŞ ٠٠بŮاد)Ř ŘĽŮ ŮŮŘŞ ŮŘŻ ساŮعت ŮŮ ŘŮات٠ؼŮ٠بŮاد٠ŮŘŤŮŘąŘŠŘ ŮŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (Ů٠عأŮŘŞ ٠٠بŮاد) ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮŮ ŮŘŻ عأŮ⌠ŮŘŻ عأŮŘŞ بŮادŮا ŮŘŤŮع؊ ŘŹŘŻŮا. | |
When ŮŮ is used before the verb here, it means to emphasize that something very much happened. "How I cried that night," "how sad!" [04:30.5] | ŮŘšŮŘŻ است؎دا٠[ŮŮ ] Ůب٠[اŮŮŘšŮ] ŮŮŘ§Ř ŮŮذا ŮŘšŮ٠اŮ٠باŮغ؊ ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮ Řą ŮŘŻ ŘŘŻŘŤ ŘĽŮŮ ŘŘŻ ŮبŮŘą (Ů٠بŮŮŘŞ ŘŞŮ٠اŮŮŮŮŘŠŘ ŮŮŮ ŘزŮŘŞ). | |
Great! We then move on to line 15, and we only want to refer here to the use of آŮذا٠(then) in a context, in a word, or in another sentence. [04:42.9] | ؚظŮŮ ! ŮŮŘŞŮ٠بؚد Ř°ŮŮ ŘĽŮ٠اŮسءع اŮ؎ا٠س ŘšŘ´ŘąŘ ŮŮŘąŮŘŻ ŮŮء اŮؼشاع؊ ŮŮا ŘĽŮ٠است؎دا٠[آŮذاŮ] ŮŮ ŘłŮاŮŮŘ ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŠŮŘ ŘŁŮ ŮŮ ŘŹŮ ŮŘŠŮ ŘŁŘŽŘąŮ. | |
Lilia says here, "I was at the end of my first year at that time," that is, "I was at that time at the end of my first year," it refers here to a specific time and we explained this at the beginning of the video. [04:56.5] | ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا ŮŮا: (ŮŮŘŞ آŮذا٠ŮŮ ŮŮاŮŘŠ ŘłŮت٠اŮŘŁŮŮŮ)Ř ŘŁŮ (ŮŮŘŞ Ů٠ذا٠اŮŮŮŘŞ ŮŮ ŮŮاŮŘŠ ŘłŮت٠اŮŘŁŮŮŮ)Ř ŮŮŮ ŘŞŘ´ŮŘą ŮŮا ŘĽŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮ Ů ŘŘŻŘŻ ŮŮŮا ŮŘŻ Ř´ŘąŘŮا Ůذا Ů٠بداŮŘŠ اŮŮŮŘŻŮŮ. | |
On line 28, Lilia says, "And I refused to talk to everyone, I refused to integrate into school, and I also suffer from insomnia," so Lilia here uses the verb ŮؚاŮŮ (suffers). [05:14.2] | Ů٠اŮسءع اŮ؍ا٠٠ŮاŮؚشعŮŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮŘąŮ؜ت اŮŘŘŻŮŘŤ Ů Řš اŮŘŹŮ ŮŘšŘ ŘąŮ؜ت اŮŘĽŮد٠ا؏ Ů٠اŮŮ ŘŻŘąŘłŘŠŘ ŮأؾبŘŘŞ أؚاŮ٠٠٠اŮأع٠ŮŘ°ŮŮ)Ř Ůتست؎د٠ŮŮŮŮا ŮŮا اŮŮؚ٠[ŮؚاŮŮ]. | |
And when you use the verb ŮؚاŮŮ, you add it to the preposition Ů Ů, so you say, "I am suffering from something, I am suffering from disease." We ask God for you safety. [05:31.9] | ŮŘšŮŘŻ است؎دا٠اŮŮؚ٠[ŮؚاŮŮ]Ř ŘŞŮŘŮ٠بŘع٠اŮŘŹŘą [Ů Ů]Ř ŮŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŁŮا أؚاŮŮ Ů Ů ŘŁŮ Řą Ů Ř§Ř ŘŁŮا أؚاŮ٠٠٠اŮ٠ع؜)âŮسأ٠اŮŮŮ ŮŮ٠اŮŘłŮا٠؊â | |
I am suffering from disease," meaning that you mean sick, and this is a difficult matter for you, so you suffer from sickness. We ask God to keep you safe. This is just to explain. [05:46.6] | (ŘŁŮا أؚاŮ٠٠٠اŮ٠ع؜) ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮŮ ŮŘšŮŮ Ů ŘąŮŘśŘ ŮŮذا ŘŁŮ Řą شاŮŮ ŘšŮŮŮ ŮتؚاŮ٠٠٠اŮ٠ع؜âŮسأ٠اŮŮŮ Ů٠اŮŘłŮا٠؊âŮذا ŮŮء ŮŮŘ´ŘąŘ. | |
You can also say that you suffer from something that is not specifically a disease, but you can say, "You suffer from something else," that is something that is difficult. [06:00.1] | ŮŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŘ°Ů٠٠ؚاŮا؊ ٠٠أ٠ع٠ŮŮŘł ŘŞŘŘŻŮŘŻŮا اŮŮ ŘąŘśŘ ŮŮŮŮ ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŁŮ٠تؚاŮ٠٠٠أ٠ع٠آ؎ع) Ů٠أ٠ع٠Ů٠أ٠ع٠شاŮ. | |
You can say, "I suffer from the hardship of living...from hardship of living," meaning that there is not... that is, there is not enough money to live, so he suffers from something. [06:14.2] | ŮŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŁŮا أؚاŮŮ Ů Ů ŘśŮ٠اŮŘšŮش⌠٠٠؜Ů٠اŮŘšŮŘ´) ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮ ŮŮس⌠أ٠أŮŮ ŮŮŘł ŮŮا٠٠ا٠Ůا٠ŮŮŘŮŘ§ŘŠŘ [ŮŮؚاŮ٠٠٠أ٠ع٠٠ا]. | |
Then we move on line 35, where Lilia says, "But I was fully aware that it was much easier for me to leave than to⌠than to leave). [06:28.5] | بؚد Ř°ŮŮ ŮŮŘŞŮŮ ŘĽŮ٠اŮسءع اŮ؎ا٠س ŮاŮŘŤŮا؍ŮŮŘ ŘŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮŮŮŮŮ ŮŮŘŞ ŮاؚŮ؊٠ت٠ا٠اŮŮؚ٠أ٠ذŮŮ Ůا٠أŮسع ŘšŮŮ٠بŮŘŤŮŘą Ů Ů ŘŁŮ ŘŁŘąŘŮ ŘĽŮŮ Ů Ů ŘŁŮ⌠٠٠أ٠أعŘŮ). | |
Here we want to comment on the word ⌠on a phrase that Lilia used, which is the phrase ŮاؚŮ؊٠ت٠ا٠اŮŮŘšŮ, and here Lilia uses this phrase to emphasize. [06:46.2] | ŮŮŮا ŮŘąŮŘŻ اŮŘŞŘšŮŮŮ ŘšŮŮ ŮŮ٠؊⌠ؚŮ٠ؚباع؊ است؎د٠تŮا ŮŮŮŮا ŮŮ٠ؚباع؊ [ŮاؚŮ؊٠ت٠ا٠اŮŮŘšŮ]Ř ŮŮŮا تست؎د٠ŮŮŮŮا Ůذ٠اŮؚباع؊ ŮŮŘŞŘŁŮŮŘŻ. | |
She says, "I was fully conscious," meaning that she is fully conscious, very conscious, and we use this phrase a lot, for example, "I was fully conscious that I was right." [07:00.6] | ŮŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŁŮا ŮŮŘŞ ŮاؚŮ؊٠ت٠ا٠اŮŮŘšŮ) ŘŁŮ ŘĽŮŮا ŘšŮŮ ŮŘšŮŮ ŘŞŘ§Ů Ř ŘšŮŮ ŮŘšŮŮ Ř´ŘŻŮŘŻŘ ŮŮست؎د٠Ůذ٠اŮؚباع؊ ŮŘŤŮŘąŮŘ§Ř ŮŮŮŮ Ů ŘŤŮŮا: (ŘŁŮا ŮŮŘŞ ŮاؚŮŮا ت٠ا٠اŮŮؚ٠بأŮŮŮ ŘšŮŮ ŘŮ). | |
You can also say, "I know perfectly, I know perfectly, I am absolutely certain," and so on, and this is for certainty and confirmation. [07:15.7] | ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŘ°ŮŮ: (ŘŁŮا أؚع٠ت٠ا٠اŮ٠ؚعŮŘŠŘ ŘŁŮا ŘŁŘšŮ٠ت٠ا٠اŮŘšŮŮ Ř ŘŁŮا Ů ŘŞŘŁŮŘŻ ت٠ا٠اŮŘŞŘŁŮŘŻ)Ř ŮŮŮŘ°Ř§Ř ŮŮذا ŮŮ؏ز٠ŮاŮŘŞŘŁŮŮŘŻ. | |
For example, you can say, "I know perfectly well that what I am doing is the truth," here you are using ت٠ا٠and the masdar afterwards to verify and confirm something. [07:31.85] | ŮŮ ŮŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮ Ů ŘŤŮŮا: (ŘŁŮا ŘŁŘšŮ٠ت٠ا٠اŮŘšŮ٠أ٠٠ا ŘŁŮŘšŮŮ Ů٠اŮŘŮ)Ř ŮŮŮا ŘŁŮŘŞ تست؎د٠[ت٠ا٠] Ů[اŮ٠ؾدع] بؚدŮا ŮŮŘŞŘŮŮŮ ŮاŮŘŞŘŁŮŮŘŻ ŘšŮŮ Ř´Ůإ٠٠ا. | |
Great! We then move on to line 38, where Lilia says, "Now I am convinced that I can never give up my country, and what I am accustomed to here at all." [07:53.2] | ؚظŮŮ ! ŮŮŘŞŮ٠بؚد Ř°ŮŮ ŘĽŮ٠اŮسءع اŮ؍ا٠٠ŮاŮŘŤŮا؍ŮŮŘ ŘŮŘŤ ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮاŮآ٠أŮا Ů ŮŘŞŮؚ؊ ŘŁŮŮ ŮŮŘł بؼ٠ŮاŮ٠اŮŘŞŘŽŮ٠ؚ٠بŮŘŻŮŘ Ůؚ٠ا ؼؚتدت ŘšŮŮŮ ŮŮا أبدŮا). | |
Here Lilia uses the verb ŮŘŞŘŽŮŮ (to give up) and when using the verb, you must add it to the preposition ŘšŮ, so she says, "I will not give up my country," meaning I will not leave my country. [08:12.7] | Ůتست؎د٠ŮŮا ŮŮŮŮا اŮŮؚ٠[ŮŘŞŘŽŮŮ]Ř ŮŘšŮŘŻ است؎دا٠اŮŮؚ٠[ŮŘŞŘŽŮŮ] ŮŮابد٠ŮŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŘŮ٠بŘع٠اŮŘŹŘą [ŘšŮ]Ř ŮŘŞŮŮŮ: (ŘŁŮا ŮŮ ŘŁŘŞŘŽŮ٠ؚ٠بŮŘŻŮ)Ř ŘŁŮ ŘŁŮا Ů٠أتع٠بŮŘŻŮ. | |
ŮŘŞŘŽŮŮ (abandons) in the sense of 'leaves,' especially in the sense of abandonment, and we use with this verb ŘšŮ, so we say, "one gives up something: I will not abandon my companions, I will not abandon my country." [08:30.1] | [ŮŘŞŘŽŮŮ] ب٠ؚŮŮ [ŮŘŞŘąŮ]Ř Ů؎اؾ؊٠ب٠ؚŮ٠اŮŮŘŹŘąŘ ŮŮست؎د٠٠ؚ Ůذا اŮŮؚ٠[ŘšŮ] ŮŮŮŮŮ: (ŮŘŞŘŽŮ٠ؚ٠أ٠ع٠٠ا: ŘŁŮا ŮŮ ŘŁŘŞŘŽŮ٠ؚ٠أؾŘابŮŘ ŮŮ ŘŁŘŞŘŽŮ٠ؚ٠بŮŘŻŮ). | |
And in the same way, on line 42, in the last lineâ"Lilia says: 'But I simply rejected her, for nothing, but I just can't be away from my loved ones,' [08:47.0] | ŮبŮŮŘł اŮءعŮŮŘŠ Ů٠اŮسءع اŮ؍اŮŮ ŮاŮأعبؚŮŮŘ Ů٠اŮسءع اŮŘŁŘŽŮŘąâŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (ŮŮŮŮ٠بŮ٠بساء؊ ŘąŮ؜تŮŘ§Ř Ůا ŮŘ´ŮŘĄŮ ŮŮŮŮŮ ŮŮء Ůا أستءŮŘš اŮابتؚاد ؚ٠أŘبتŮ)Ř | |
Likewise, when using the verb Ůبتؚد ؚ٠or rather the verb Ůبتؚد, you must use ؚ٠with this verb or from any form of this verb, whether the infinitive or otherwise. [09:05.5] | ŮŘ°ŮŮ ŘšŮŘŻ است؎دا٠اŮŮؚ٠[Ůبتؚد ŘšŮ] أ٠اŮŮؚ٠[Ůبتؚد] ŮŮابد٠أ٠تست؎د٠[ŘšŮ] Ů Řš Ůذا اŮŮؚ٠أ٠٠٠أ٠ؾŮغ؊ Ů Ů Ůذا اŮŮŘšŮŘ ŘłŮاإ اŮ٠ؾدع ŘŁŮ ŘşŮŘąŮ. | |
Here Lilia says, "I can't get away from my loved ones; I don't want to be far from my country," we use ؚ٠(from) with this verb as well. [09:18.9] | ŮŮŮا ŘŞŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮا: (Ůا أستءŮŘš اŮابتؚاد ؚ٠أŘبتŮŘ ŘŁŮا Ůا ŘŁŘąŮŘŻ أ٠أبتؚد ؚ٠بŮŘŻŮ)Ř ŮŮست؎د٠[ŘšŮ] Ů Řš Ůذا اŮŮؚ٠أŮŘśŮا. | |
With this, we have finished commenting on what Lilia said about her childhood, and we have explained the uses of different phrases. I will meet you in another video, God willing. [09:32.4] | ŮبŮذا ŮŮŮŮ ŮŘŻ اŮŘŞŮŮŮا ٠٠اŮŘŞŘšŮŮ٠ؚ٠Ůا ŮاŮŘŞŮ ŮŮŮŮا بشأ٠ءŮŮŮŘŞŮŘ§Ř ŮŘ´ŘąŘŮا است؎دا٠ات Ůؚباعات Ů ŘŽŘŞŮŮŘŠŘ ŘŁŮŮاŮŮ ŮŮ ŮŮŘŻŮ٠آ؎ع ؼ٠شاإ اŮŮŮ. | |
I hope you have benefited from this video. [09:46.2] | ŘŁŘŞŮ ŮŮ ŘŁŮ ŘŞŮŮŮŮا ŮŘŻ استŮŘŻŘŞŮ Ů Ů Ůذا اŮŮŮŘŻŮŮ. | |
Thank you very much. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. [09:48.7] | ŘŁŘ´ŮŘąŮŮ Ř´ŮŘąŮا ؏زŮŮŮŘ§Ř ŮاŮŘłŮا٠ؚŮŮŮŮ ŮŘąŘŮ ŘŠ اŮŮŮ ŮبعŮاتŮ. |
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