Is Modern Standard Arabic Difficult for Arabs?
Part 7 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: How proficient are you in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)? What is difficult for you? Do you make any mistakes?

Unique Words in Arabic Dialects that Even Other Arabs May Not Understand
Part 6 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: What are a few words that are unique to your dialect which Arabs from other countries might find amusing or not understand?

Learn Arabic with Netflix
How to use Netflix to learn Arabic–searching and subtitle hacks.

Let’s Compare the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Dialect with Modern Standard Arabic
Part 5 in the “Arabs Say…” series: What are the advantages of using your local dialect over MSA? And what are the disadvantages?

Russian Roots: лиц/лич (face)
Today I would like to show you how productive the root лич/лиц (face) is and share some frequently used collocations and idioms in which the derivatives of this root are used. Поехали!

Should Dialects Replace Standard Arabic as Official National Languages?
Part 4 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Imagine that your government made your dialect the official language of your country (instead of MSA). It would have a new, standardized spelling system and grammar rules and be used in newspapers and books. What is your opinion?

Should I Learn Modern Standard Arabic or a Dialect?
Part 3 in the “Arabs Say…” series: If a foreigner comes to work or live in your country, should they learn Modern Standard Arabic or the dialect?

Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?
Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?

Variations in Spoken Arabic within Countries
Part 1 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Does everyone in your country use the same dialect? Are there any differences in speaking styles between urban and rural areas, regions, social classes, religions, or generations?

Comparative in Russian with Намного (much more)
This short video is about forming the comparative degree of Russian adverbs or adjectives when we need to show to what extent something is bigger, cheaper and so on.

Using an Arabic Dictionary: Tips for Learners
So, you’ve decided to study Arabic. From the get-go, you’re confronted with a number of challenges. You knew, of course, that you would have to

10 Pairs of Easily Confused Russian Verbs
Review the conjugations of these common verbs to avoid mixing them up.