Modern Standard Arabic

Language in Modern Standard Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Modern Standard Arabic

Adjectives in Modern Standard Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Modern Standard Arabic

Around the House in Modern Standard Arabic

Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Arabic Misc.

Is Modern Standard Arabic Difficult for Arabs?

Part 7 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: How proficient are you in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)? What is difficult for you? Do you make any mistakes?

Arabic Misc.

Should Dialects Replace Standard Arabic as Official National Languages?

Part 4 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Imagine that your government made your dialect the official language of your country (instead of MSA). It would have a new, standardized spelling system and grammar rules and be used in newspapers and books. What is your opinion?

Arabic Misc.

Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?

Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?