Key Egyptian Arabic Expression: معلِشّ ma3alíšš
معلِشّ is used to downplay a situation, whether to console, sympathize, or apologize. The word originally comes from the Modern Standard Arabic phrase ما عليه شيء, which literally means nothing against it.
Key Egyptian Arabic Expression: كِده kida
كِده is likely the most quintessentially Egyptian word there is. Not only is it very high frequency in everyday speech, but it is unique to the Egyptian Arabic dialect. كِده is related to the Modern Standard Arabic word هكذا like this but takes on a range of idiomatic meanings on its own and in phrases.
Expressions with the Eyes in Levantine Arabic
Nadine tells us about dozens of expressions and idioms in Levantine Arabic using the word eye(s) and other words related to seeing. Can you guess their meanings?
Do Arabs Write in Their Dialects of Arabic?
Part 2 in the “Arabs Say…” series: Do you ever write in your dialect? In what situations? How do you know or decide how to spell words?
3 Reasons Why You Should Visit Amusement Parks
Esraa tells us about her recent trip to an amusement park and teaches us some fun and interesting vocabulary.
“Country” Cafés in Egypt
One thing you can’t miss in Egypt, it is the country cafés ilʔahāwi -lbáladi القهاوي البلدي. There is approximately over 100,000 country cafés in Egypt. It is something