B2 Level Reading Practice
Just one meal high in saturated fats may cause difficulties concentrating, according to a study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The study compared how 51 ladies performed on a test that tests the ability to focus. The test was performed for one hour before eating a meal that is high in saturated fats and five hours after eating.
The ladies were divided into two groups. The first group ate a meal high in saturated fats. The other group ate a meal high in unsaturated fats. Between 1 and 4 weeks later, the ladies retook the test. This time, they switched meals.
The study found that the ladies who’ve eaten the meal that contained lots of saturated fats recorded, on average, 11% lower scores than the other group. This means that their concentration level was lower because they got distracted more easily.
Annelise Madison, the lead author of the study, says that most previous studies looked at the effect of diet over a long period, but this study shows that just one meal could affect a person’s ability to focus.
Madison also said that both groups have eaten meals that contained lots of fats in general and the effect could be even greater if the comparison was made with a meal that was low in fats.
This article is based on an article by H.J. Meech.

Ahmad comes from Cairo, Egypt and has been teaching Classical Arabic and Egyptian Arabic since 2017. He is a lover of everything Arabic, and his dream is to make Arabic a global language once again, as it once was.
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Great content! Thanks
You’re welcome! 😊
I loved it. so helpful! thanks a lot!
Glad you liked it. 🙂
شكرا! حاسس اكل الجزر او القرىبيط.
Great taster into this dialect. Thanks 🙂
Thank you for reading 🙂
!!شكرا جزيلا
great article