Learn Arabic as it is really spoken. Listen to and read Levantine Colloquial Arabic.
Sun, sand, and sounds. Mariette tells us about an unforgettable experience on the beach in Lebanon.
بما اني شخص كتير بحب يخيم، عزمتني رفيقتي هل صيفية على “ساندانس” كنت أول مرة بروح عليه بمدينة الدامور. هيك “افنت” بيعملوا عادةً بلبنان تيجمعوا سوا كل الناس اللبنانية يلي بحبوا زمن السبعينات. أول ما وصلنا، لاحظنا جمال البحر مع كل الخيم المحطوطين حد بعض، و العالم لقعدين على الشط، عم بيعزفو أغاني قديمة على الات موسيقية متنوعة. الطقس كان كتير حلو بالرغم من إنو كان شوب، بس ما لاحظنا قوة الشمس قبل ما بلشنا نحط خيمتنا. ضلينا شي نصف ساعة لنخلص تقدرنا ننزل عالبحر لنبورد. مية البحر كانت زرقاء و كتير نقية، منقدر نئشع السمكات يلي عم تسبح تحت اجرينا. من بعد ما بلشت تغيب الشمس، كل العالم تركوا البحر و راحوا صوب “البار ” ليلتقوا مع ال “دج” و يبلشوا الحفلة. كانت الموسيقى بت رقص كتير و كان المشروب طيب، بس بلشنا ننطويش بعد الساعة ثلاثة الصبح. جربنا النام بس ما أدرنا من ورا كل الأصوات. و من بعد الساعة خمسة، لاحظنا إنو الحفلة ما رح تخلص. وقت صارت الساعة ستة الصبح، رحت أنا و رفيقتي لنتروق. وقت بلشت الشمس تضرب الخيم عل ساعة ثماني الصبح، وقفت الموسيقى والكل بلشوا يفكوا خيمن ليروحوا على البيت. حتى لو أنجء نمنا هل ليلة، كانت وحدة من أحلى الليالي بحياتنا كلها.
Being a person who really loves to camp, my friend invited me to the “Sandance” [festival] this summer–it was the first time for me to go there–in the city of Damour. Events like these are usually held in Lebanon to bring together everyone who is a big fan of the seventies. As soon as we arrived, we noticed how gorgeous the beach looked with all the tents set up and all the people sitting on the shore, playing some old tunes on various musical instruments. The weather was amazing despite the heat, but my friend and I did not realize how hot it was before we started to put up our tent. It took us around thirty minutes to finish up so we could run to the beach to cool off. The water was so clear and blue that we could see the little fish swimming under our feet. After the sun started to set, everyone left the beach in the direction of the bar, to join the DJ and start the party. The music made everyone dance and the drink were delicious, but it started to get on our nerves after three in the morning. We tried to sleep but we were unable to due to all the noise. After five in the morning, we realized that the party would never end. At six in the morning, my friend and I decided to have breakfast. When the sun rays started hitting the tents at eight in the morning, the music finally stopped and everyone started to disassemble their tents and head home. Despite the fact that we were barely able to sleep that night, it was one of our favorite nights of all.
Palestinian Arabic Voices
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Great voice! Really liked it, will there be a speaker from Damascus as well? The quality is much better than the arabic voices recordings, also the text seems more natural!
I’m glad you liked it, Naufal! Yes, in fact I just posted Ammar’s first blog post today. He’s originally from Damascus but has emigrated to the Netherlands. Check it out and tell me what you think! –Matthew
This is very helpful, thank you. I look forward to more of this type of material..