Levantine Arabic

Levantine Arabic

Expressions with the Eyes in Levantine Arabic

Nadine tells us about dozens of expressions and idioms in Levantine Arabic using the word eye(s) and other words related to seeing. Can you guess their meanings?

Levantine Arabic

A Child in My Parents’ Eyes

Rita and her mom had a lovely evening at a restaurant. But who ended up paying for dinner? (Hint: It wasn’t Rita or her mother!)

Levantine Arabic

Around Dubai

Eman tells us about Dubai, the city she lives in, and why she thinks it’s so amazing.

Levantine Arabic

Lebanon’s Street Food Market

Mariette and her friends explore foods of the world at Lebanon’s traveling street food festival.

Levantine Arabic

A Vulnerable Patient

When Rita’s dad (pictured) is in the hospital, they find another patient in need of some help. What matter does Rita take into her own hands?

Levantine Arabic

Camel Tongue at the Palace?

Rita has a culinary adventure at the palace. She even tries camel tongue. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever eaten?

Levantine Arabic

Cycling Around Tripoli

Yumn and her friends decide to bike around the city. What could possibly go wrong?

The Latest News from Lingualism


Introducing Our New eBook Series: Media Arabic Vocabulary

I am thrilled to announce the launch of our new eBook series: Media Arabic Vocabulary. This series is a testament to our commitment to providing innovative and dynamic language learning resources. Our Media Arabic Vocabulary series is designed specifically for intermediate learners of Arabic who are interested in reading Arabic news but find it a

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  • Sale!

    Level Up! Russian Stories (Book 1)

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.49.

    Master Russian with six engaging stories about life in Russia, each presented at four levels (A1-B2). Perfect for building confidence gradually—start with the simplest version and level up when you’re ready!

    • stress-marked Russian text
    • English translations
    • cultural notes and vocabulary
    • accompanying audio tracks

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  • Mido: In Levantine Arabic


    Mido and his family invite you to join them on their everyday adventures in Beirut as you listen and read along, learning about life for modern Lebanese while improving your Levantine Arabic.

    Ideal for young-at-heart adult intermediate and advanced learners of Levantine Arabic, this book contains 10 chapters of similar length (around 1,000 words each), along with illustrations, English translations, and footnotes.

    This purchase includes three PDF eBook files:

    1. Mido in Levantine Arabic (the original with voweled texts)
    2. Mido in Levantine Arabic (with unvoweled texts)
    3. Mido in Levantine Arabic Glossary (vocabulary lists by page and alphabetically)

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