Mido in Levantine Arabic: Anki Flashcards

Mido in Levantine Arabic: Anki Flashcards

(1 customer review)

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Anki Flashcards


A2, B1


1,330 flashcards

Over 1,300 flashcards with audio. Use Anki’s SRS (spaced repetition system) to study the vocabulary from Mido in Levantine Arabic.

Before You Buy

Please, be sure you have the Anki app installed and are familiar with how to use it before you buy our Anki decks. Click on the icon for links to install the app. (Note: Lingualism is not the app developer. We merely sell decks (data files) that work with the app.)

Watch the video to see the layout of the cards.

The 1,330 flashcards are meant to be used as a study tool in conjunction with the book Mido in Levantine Arabic. The deck includes reverse-cards, bringing the actual total number of cards to more than 2,660. These reverse-cards show the English translation first, forcing you to see how well you can recall the Arabic. See the sample images to get a better understanding of the cards’ layouts.

The default order of the deck is the order of appearance of the vocabulary in the book. You can focus on the vocabulary for a specific chapter by creating a custom study session and choosing the corresponding tag (Ch1 for chapter 1, for example). When you’ve finished studying your custom study deck, you can delete it. The cards will remain in the main deck and Anki will remember that you have studied them and bring them up for review later.

1 review for Mido in Levantine Arabic: Anki Flashcards

  1. Ben Moore (verified owner)

    Excellent deck. This is a must have if you are working through the Mido story.

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