fast, quickly | fīsa3 | فيسع | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
fast, quickly | b-izzarbe | بِالزّرْبة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
especially | xāʂʂaten | خاصّةً | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
especially | süɣtu (fr: surtout) | سيغْتو | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
at least | 3a-laqall | عالأقلّ | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
almost, nearly, around, about | taqrīb | تقْريب | |
almost, nearly, around, about | maɧsūb | محْسوب | |
almost, nearly, around, about | prēsk (fr: presque) | پْراسْك | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
again | marra uxra | مرّة أُخْرى | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
alone | waɧdu | وحْدُه | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
also | zēde | زادة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
here | hnē | هْنا | |
there | lɣādi | لْغادي | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
there | ɣādi | غادي | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
everywhere | fī -lblēyiʂ ilkull | في البْلايِص الكُلّ | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
I see him everywhere. | nšūfu fī -lblēyiʂ ilkull. | نْشوفُه في البْلايِص الكُلّ. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
somewhere; scar | blāʂa | بْلاصة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
I want to go somewhere fun. | nɧibb nimši li-blāʂa ɧluwwe. | نْحِبّ نِمْشي لِبْلاصة حْلُوّة. | |
anywhere | eyy blāʂa | أيّ بلاصة | |
You can buy it anywhere. | tnejjim tišrīh min eyy blāʂa. | تْنجِّم تِشْريه مِن أيّ بْلاصة. | |
nowhere | ɧatte blāʂa | حتّى بْلاصة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
Nowhere is safe. | ɧatte blāʂa mēhi ēmne. | حتّى بْلاصة ماهي آمْنة. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
always; often | dīme | ديما | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
She always does her homework. | dīme tixdim drūshe. | ديما تِخْدِم دْروسْها. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
I often see him at the café. | dīme nšūfu fī -lqahwe. | ديما نْشوفُه في القهْوة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
sometime | marra | مرّة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
Let’s have coffee sometime. | heyye na3mlu qahwe marra. | هيّا نعْمْلو قهْوة مرّة. | |
sometimes | ba3d sē3āt | بعْد ساعات | |
sometimes | sē3āt | ساعات | |
I sometimes get up late. | ba3d sē3āt nqūm -mmaxxar. | بعْد ساعات نْقوم امّخّر. | |
anytime | fī eyy waqt | في أيّ وقْت | |
You can call me anytime. | tnejjim tkellemni fī eyy waqt. | تْنجِّم تْكلّمْني في أيّ وقْت. | |
never | b-3umru mē | بْعُمْرُه ما | |
I never eat breakfast. | b-3umri mē nufʈur fʈūr iʂʂbēɧ. | بْعُمْري ما نُفْطُر فْطور الصّْباح. | |
They’ve never been out of Tunisia. | b-3murhum mē xarju min tūnis. | بْعْمُرْهُم ما خرْجو مِن تونِس. | |
usually | fī -l3āde | في العادة | |
usually | -lekŧariyye | الأكْثرِيّة | |
I usually go to work by car, but I sometimes walk. | ēne -lēkŧariyye nimši li-lxidme b-ilkarhbe, emme ba3d sē3āt 3lē sāqayye. | آنا الأكْثرِيّة نِمْشي لِلخِدْمة بِالكرْهْبة، أمّا بعْد ساعات عْلى ساقَيّا. | |
somehow | drē kīfēš | دْرا كيفاش | |
somehow | drē kīfēh | دْرا كيفاه | |
The cat somehow got in the house. | ilqaʈʈūs drē kīfēš dxal li-ddār. | القطّوس دْرا كيفاش دْخل لِلدّار. | |
very good | bēhi barše | باهي برْشا | |
__ enough | __ b-ilgdē | __ بِالْڨْدا | |
big enough | kbīr b-ilgdē | كْبير بِالڨْدا | |
too __, too much __, too many __ | __ 3a-llixxir | __ عاللِّخِّر | |
too big | kbīr 3a-llixxir | كْبير عاللِّخِّر | |
too much, too many | barše 3a-llixxir | برْشا عاللِّخِّر | |
too much money | flūs barše 3a-llixxir | فْلوس برْشا عاللِّخِّر | |
too many people | nēs barše 3a-llixxir | ناس برْشا عاللِّخِّر | |
She speaks Arabic well. | hiyye taɧki b-il3arbi b-ilgdē. | هِيَّ تحْكي بِالعرْبي بِالڨْدا. | |
still | mezzēl | مزّال | |
I’m still hungry. | ēne mizzilt jī3ān. | آنا مِزِّلْت جيعان. | |
not… yet | l-tew lē | لْتَو لا | |
He isn’t here yet. | huwwe l-tew lē jē. | هُوَّلْتو لا جا. | |
I haven’t finished my coffee yet. | ēne l-tew lē kemmelt qahwti. | آنا لْتَو لا كمّلْت قهْوْتي. | |
already | dējā (fr: déjà) | داجا | |
I already told you! | qutlik dējā! | قُتْلِك داجا! | |
I’ve already eaten lunch. | fʈart ēne dējā. | فْطرْت آنا داجا. | |
just | mezzēl kī | مزّال كي | |
I just ate. | mizzilt kī klīt. | مِزّلت كي كْليت. | |
I just told you! | mizzilt kī qutlik! | مِزّلت كي قُتْلِك! | |
inside; inside; into | l-dēxil | لْداخِل | |
It’s hot today. Let’s stay inside. | iddinye sxūne -lyūm, heyye nudxlu l-dēxil. | الدِّنْيا سْخونة اليوم، هيّا نُدْخْلو لْداخِل. | |
Let’s sit outside. | heyye nuq3du ilbarra. | هيّا نُقْعْدو البرّا. | |
He lives abroad. | huwwe y3īš ilbarra (mi-lblēd). | هُوَّ يْعيش البرّا (مِالبْلاد). | |
I’m going abroad next week. | ēne msēfir ilbarra -jjim3a -jjēyye. | آنا مْسافِر البرّا الجِّمْعة الجّايّة. | |
I’m going abroad next week. | ēne bēš nsēfir ilbarra -jjim3a -jjēyye. | آنا باش نْسافِر البرّا الجِّمْعة الجّايّة. | |
upstairs | ilfūq | الفوق | |
Come upstairs! | aʈla3 ilfūq. | أطْلع الفوق. | |
downstairs | illūʈa | اللّوطة |
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