Verbs in Tunisian Arabic

Verbs in Tunisian Arabic

to lose (a game; to a team)xsarخْسر
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Can you swim? (2); Do you know how to swim?ta3rif t3ūm?تعْرِف تْعوم؟
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to end, come to an end, be finished; to expirewfēوْفا
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to abandon, deserthjarهْجر
to acceptqbilقْبِل
to accompanymšē m3aمْشى مْعَ
to adjust, correct; to tune (a guitar, piano)3addelعدّل
to admit-sta3rafاسْتعْرف
to advise, recommendnʂaɧنصح
to affecteŧŧar 3lēأثّر عْلى
to allowxalleخلّى
to answer, respond, replyjēwibجاوِب
to apologize forʈleb issmēɧ 3lēطْلب السّْماح عْلى
to appearʐhurظهُر
to appreciateqaddarقدّر
to approve ofwēfiq 3lēوافِق عْلى
to arrange, organizenaʐʐamنظّم
to asksʔilسْإِل
to attendɧʐarحْضر
to attendmšē l-مْشى لـ
to be; whether, ifkēnكان
to be able to, cannejjimنجِّم
to be able to, can (2); to know3rafعْرف
Can you swim?tnejjim t3ūm?تْنجِّم تْعوم؟
I can’t understand a word you’re saying.mē-nejjimt nifhim ɧatte kilme mi-lli tqūl fīh.ما نجِّمْت نِفْهِم حتّى كِلْمة مِالّي تْقول فيه.
to become, bewelle (v.)ولّا
to beg, plead; to demand; order, requestʈlabطْلب
to begin, startbdēبْدا
to behaveiɧtaramاِحْترم
to betqammarقمّر
to blame __ forlēm __ 3lēلام __ عْلى
to bother, disturbqallaqقلّق
to bother, disturbfeddedفدّد
to breakkessarكسّر
to bring, getjēbجاب
to burnɧraqحْرق
to caretilheتِلْهى
to carry, lift, pick uphezzهزّ
She carried the box to the kitchen.hiyye hezzit iʂʂundūq li-lkūjīne.هِيَّ هزِّت الصُّنْدوق لِلكوجينة.
He lifted the child up.huwwe hezz iʈʈful.هُوَّهزّ الطّْفُل.
He picked the book up from the table.huwwe hezz -lktēb min fūq iʈʈāwle.هُوَّهزّ الكْتاب مِن فوق الطّاوْلة.
to change (something); to exchangebeddelبدّل
to change (become different)-tbeddelاتْبدّل
to chase, pursuejrē fī jurrit __جْرى في جُرِّة __
to cheat, deceiveɣaššغشّ
to cheer, encouragešejja3شجّع
to cheer, encouragekūrijكورِج
to chooseixtārاِخْتار
to climbtša3biʈتْشعْبِط
to close, locksekkarسكّر
to comeجا
to compareqārinقارِن
to contactittaʂal b-اِتّصل بـ
to contactkontēkteكونْتاكْتا
to continue; finish, complete, accomplishkemmelكمّل
to declinerfaʐرْفض
to decrease, reducenaqqaʂنقّص
to denynkirنْكِر
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to descend, go down; to landhbaʈهْبط
to describewʂifوْصِف
to designʂammemصمّم
to disappearɣābغاب
to do, make3melعْمل
to dropʈayyaɧطيّح
He dropped his book.ʈayyaɧ ktēbu.طيّح كْتابُه.
to exit, go out, leavexrajخْرج
to express3abbirعبِّر
I can’t express myself in Arabic very well.mē-nnejjimš n3abbir 3lē rūɧi bi-lgdē bil3arbi.ما نّجِّمْش نْعبِّر عْلى روحي بِالڨْدا بِالعرْبي.
to fallʈāɧطاح
to findlqāلْقى
to fix, repairʂallaɧصلّح
to fix, repairfikseفيكْسا
to fix, repairrīgelريڨل
to floatflūte (fr: flotter)فْلوتا
The ball is floating in the water.ilkūre tiflūti fūq ilmē.الكورة تِفْلوتي فوق الما.
to take; to get, take, receive, obtain; to take (a bus, taxi, etc.)xđēخْذا
to give3ʈāعْطا
to happenʂārصار
to havekēn 3anduكان عنْدُه
to help3āwinعاوِن
to imagine-stxāyilاسْتْخايِل
to intend tonwēنْوى
to intend to3ammilعمِّل
I intend to succeed at my job.ēne nēwi bēš ninjaɧ fī xidimti.آنا ناوي باش نِنْجح في خِدِمْتي.
I intend to succeed at my job.ēne m3ammil bēš ninjaɧ fī xidimti.آنا مْعمِّل باش نِنْجح في خِدِمْتي.
to jumpneggezنڨّز
to keep, continue (doing); to stayq3adقْعد
to liekđibكْذِب
to lockqfilقْفِل
to lookɣzarغْزر
to meanqʂadقْْصد
to move-tɧarrakاتْحرّك
He hasn’t moved in ten minutes.q3ad mē-yitɧarrakš l-muddit 3ašra dqāyiq.قْعد ما يِتْحرّكْش لْمُدِّة عشْرة دْقايِق.
to move (something)ɧarrakحرّك
I can’t move my leg!mē-nnejjimš nɧarrak sēqi!ما نّجِّمْش نْحرّك ساقي!
to offer3riʐعْرِض
to openɧallحلّ
to order, commandkmendeكْمنْدا
to order, command3adda (komãd)عدّى (كومونْد)
to pass, go past-t3addeاتْعدّى
to prepareɧaʐʐarحضّر
to prohibitmna3مْنع
to punish3āqibعاقِب
He set down the book on the table.huwwe ɧaʈʈ -lktēb 3lē -ʈʈāwle.هُوَّ حطّ الكْتاب عْلى الطّاوْلة.
to release, let goseyyibسيِّب
to say, tellqālقال
to showwarraورّى
to sinkɣruqغْرُق
The Titanic sank over a hundred years ago.ittītēnīk ɣruq (tewwe) 3andu ekŧir min myētin snē.التّيتانيك غْرُق (توّا) عنْدُه أكثِر مِن مْياتِن سْنا.
to succeednjaɧنْجح
to suggest, propose (1); to offerqtaraɧاقْترح
to suggest, proposepropozeپْروپوزا
to tearqaʈʈa3قطّع
to tierbaʈرْبط
to touchmessمسّ
to try, attemptjarrabجرّب
to try, attemptɧāwilحاوِل
to use-sta3milاسْتعْمِل
to wait-stenneاسْتنّى
to welcome, greetfraɧ b-فْرح بـ

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