Tunisian Arabic Grammar
This is a brief introduction to Tunisian Arabic grammar. It covers the basics of noun and adjective inflections as well as verb conjugations. It also highlights some of the idiosyncrasies of Tunisian Arabic that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.
Güncel Arapça-Türkçe Ortak Kelimeler
Türkçe diliyle ilk tanıştığımda… 2008 yılında İskenderiye Üniversitesinde ilk katıldığım Türkçe dersini hala hatırlıyorum. Aşağı yukarı 10 yıl oldu… ufak tefek ayrıntılarıyla o gün aklıma
My Friend’s Big Day
Alaa’s best friend had to defend her thesis to receive her Master’s degree. Was she successful?
Darwin at the Library
Ahmed didn’t get much studying done before the exam. What distracted him? And how was the exam?
Hamza in Hurghada
Hamza (age 7) tells us about a recent family trip to Hurghada (on the Red Sea coast of Egypt). Hamza is the son of Yomna, a regular contributor to the blog and Lingualism publications.
Learn Modern Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, or Classical Arabic? Sara Explains!
So you’ve decided you want to learn Arabic. That’s wonderful! But you’re probably confused right now with all of the varieties of Arabic, and asking questions like…
Tunisian Arabic: A Wonderful Mosaic of Dialects
Table of Contents Are you interested in learning Arabic and its different dialects? Are you curious about the peculiarities of Arabic dialects? Here is a small interesting
Origami in Cairo
Yomna and her sons broaden their cultural horizons.
Play Big
Mohamed tells us about the contest he entered at work. Do you think he’ll win?
A Nice Day Out
Alie and his friends have some plans for the upcoming vacation. What are they?
Street Workout
Mostafa tells us about the new exercise trend in Egypt: Street Workout. No pain, no gain!
A Small Adventure
Yomna tells us about the early morning adventure she and her sons had just across the street, at one of the most iconic places on Earth.