Comparative in Russian with Намного (much more)
This short video is about forming the comparative degree of Russian adverbs or adjectives when we need to show to what extent something is bigger, cheaper and so on.

10 Pairs of Easily Confused Russian Verbs
Review the conjugations of these common verbs to avoid mixing them up.

Using the Beginning Learner’s Russian Dictionary
Get to know the Beginning Learner’s Russian Dictionary. Take a look at the organization of the entries and the wealth of lexical and grammatical information the dictionary contains.

The Basics of Russian Pronunciation
To pronounce Russian correctly, you first need to know the sounds represented by the letters of the Russian alphabet, both consonants and vowels.

Arabic Dialects: A Quick Glance
Just how many “Arabics” are there? How many varieties? It’s not a question with a straightforward answer. Arabic comprises of a continuum of dialects stretching over the entire Arab world—from northern Africa to western Asia.

Güncel Arapça-Türkçe Ortak Kelimeler
Türkçe diliyle ilk tanıştığımda… 2008 yılında İskenderiye Üniversitesinde ilk katıldığım Türkçe dersini hala hatırlıyorum. Aşağı yukarı 10 yıl oldu… ufak tefek ayrıntılarıyla o gün aklıma

How to say “one cannot” / “it is not allowed” in Russian
Today I would like to tell about a very common mistake among learners of the Russian language. It is the way to say: One cannot / It is not allowed/ It is forbidden.

Learn Modern Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, or Classical Arabic? Sara Explains!
So you’ve decided you want to learn Arabic. That’s wonderful! But you’re probably confused right now with all of the varieties of Arabic, and asking questions like…

Arabic Verbs Will Roll off Your Tongue Fluently
Learn techniques to master verb conjugation in Arabic.

Learn Arabic with BBC Xtra
I love BBC Xtra. It provides me with a daily dose of listening and reading practice. I often listen to it at the gym or during my daily commute…

4 Reasons Learning Arabic is Easy… and 4 Reasons It Is Not
Arabic often gets a bad rap for being a difficult langauge to learn. Although it does present some challenges, it also offers some advantages that make it surprisingly easy.

Spanish Voices: Activities Felipe
Hola! ¿Qué tal? Mi nombre es Felipe. Tengo treinta años. Soy de Bogotá, la capital de Colombia.