Food and Drink in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Around the House in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
The Human Body and Describing People in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Family in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Life and Death in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

Egyptian Arabic Song: Zay Manty (Amr Diab)
Learn Egyptian Arabic with Amr Diab’s Zay Manty (video, English translation, and language notes).

Salman and Captain America
Salman, age 7, has a story for us. What was Captain America’s fate?

Around the World Without Leaving Cairo
Mostafa traveled around the world without leaving Cairo. But how?

Egyptian Arabic Song: Ashrab Shai (Hamada Helal)
Learn Egyptian Arabic with Hamada Helal’s catchy Ashrab Shai (video with lyrics, English translation, and language notes).

Alexandria: The Bride of the Mediterranean
Yomna (from Cairo) has never cared for Alexandria. How does she feel after her most recent trip there?

Visiting the Dreaded Mogamma in Tahrir
If you’ve ever had the “pleasure” of visiting the dreaded Mogamma, you’ll empathize with Ahmed and understand why he had to make three trips just to get one document issued.