Around the House in Tunisian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Around the House in Moroccan Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Around the House in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
The Human Body and Describing People in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Family in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.
Life and Death in Egyptian Arabic
Learn Arabic vocabulary by topic with Arabic script, phonemic transcription (pronunciation), English translation, and audio.

When you speak to Arabs from other countries, what kind of Arabic do you speak together?
Part 9 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: When you speak to Arabs from other countries, what kind of Arabic do you speak together?

Which Arabic Dialects Are the Easiest and Most Difficult for Arabs to Understand?
Part 8 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: Which Arabic dialects are the easiest and most difficult for you, as an Arab, to understand?

Egyptian Arabic Pronunciation
Learn how to pronounce Egyptian Arabic and about the sound changes that distinguish it from other varieties of Arabic.

Is Modern Standard Arabic Difficult for Arabs?
Part 7 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: How proficient are you in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)? What is difficult for you? Do you make any mistakes?

Unique Words in Arabic Dialects that Even Other Arabs May Not Understand
Part 6 in the “Arabs Say…” series, we ask: What are a few words that are unique to your dialect which Arabs from other countries might find amusing or not understand?