Family in Egyptian Arabic

Family in Egyptian Arabic

(extended) family3ēlaعايْلة
(immediate) familyúsra (úsar)أُسْرة (أُسر)
relativeʔarīb (ʔarāyib)قُريِّب (قرايِب)
I have some relatives that live in New York.ʔána 3ándi ʔarāyib 3ayšīn fi nyuyōrk.أنا عنْدي قرايِب عايْشين في نْيويوْرْك.
to be related toyíʔrab [1s4] li-يِقْرب لِـ
Are you two related?húwwa -ntu -lʔitnēn tiʔrábu l-ba3ɖ?هُوَّ إنْتو الاِتْنيْن تِقْربوا لْبعْض؟
I’m not related to him.ʔána maʔrablūš.أنا مقْربْلوش.
fatherʔabb (abbahāt)أبّ (أبّهات)
motherumm [f.] (ummahāt)أُمّ (أُمّهات)
my mother and fatherúmmi w ʔabūyaأُمّي و أبويا
dadbāba [m.]بابا
mom (UK: mum)māma [f.]ماما
my mom and dadmámti wi babāyaمامْتي و بابايا
Hi, Dad!ʔizzáyyak ya bāba!إزّيّك يا بابا!
Hi, Dad!ʔizzáyyak ya ʔábi!إزّيّك يا أبي!
Where are you, Mom?fēnik ya māma?فيْنِك يا ماما؟
Where are you, Mom?fēnik ya ʔúmmi?فيْنِك يا أُمّي؟
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son, (male) childʔibn (wilād, ʔawlād)إبْن (وِلاد، أَوْلاد)
daughter, (female) childbint [f.] (banāt)بِنْت (بنات)
Do you have any children?3ándak ʔawlād?عنْدك أَوْلاد؟
How many children do you have?3ándak kam wálad?عنْدك كام وَلد؟
to have (a child)xállif [1s1]خلِّف
They had triplets.xallífu tálat tawāʔim.خلِّفوا تلات تَوائِم.
siblingsʔixwāt [pl.]إخْوات
brotherʔaxx (ixwāt wilād)أخّ (إخْوات وِلاد)
My brother and my friend’s brother came with me.ʔaxūya w ʔaxū ȿáɧbi gum ma3āya.أخويا و أخو صاحْبي جُم معايا.
sisteruxt [f.] (ixwāt banāt)أُخْت (إخْوات بنات)
older brotherʔaxxə kbīrأخّ كْبير
younger sisteruxtə ȿɣayyáraأُخْت صْغيّرة
Do you have any brothers or sisters?3ándak ʔixwāt?عنْدك إخْوات؟
I have two older sisters and one younger brother.3ándi ʔuxtēn ʔákbar mínni wi ʔaxxə ʔáȿɣar mínni.عنْدي أُخْتيْن أكْبر مِنّي و أخّ أصْغر مِنّي.
I’m the youngest in my family.ʔána ʔáȿɣar fardə fi-lʔúsra.أنا أصْغر فرْد في الأُسْرة.
I’m the middle child/son.ʔána -lʔaxx ilʔáwsaʈ.أنا الأخّ الأَوْسط.
I’m an onlyīš ʔixwāt.معنْديش إخْوات.
twintáwʔam (tawāʔim)تَوْأم (تَوائِم)
Are you two twins?húwwa -ntu -lʔitnēn táwʔam?هُوَّ إنْتو الاِتْنيْن تَوْأم؟
I have a twin brother.3ándi ʔaxxə táwʔam.عنْدي أخّ تَوْأم.
half-brother (of same father)ʔaxxə min ʔabbأخّ مِن أبّ
half-brother (of same mother)ʔaxxə min ʔummأخّ مِن أُمّ
half-sister (of same father)uxtə min ʔabbأُخْت مِن أبّ
half-sister (of same mother)uxtə min ʔummأُخْت مِن أُمّ
He’s my half-brother.húwwa (a)xūya min ʔabūya.هُوَّ أخويا مِن أبويا.
husbandgōz (agwāz)جوْز (أجْواز)
husbandzōg (azwāg)زوْج (أزْواج)
wifezáwga (zawgāt)زَوْجة (زَوْجات)
__’s wifemirāt- __ [f.]مِرات __
__’s wifeissíttə btā3it __ [f.]السِّتّ بِتاعِةْ __
His wife came with him.mirātu gat ma3ā.مِراتُه جت معاه.
His wife came with him.issíttə btá3tu gat ma3ā.السِّتّ بِتاعْتُه جت معاه.
stepfathergōz ʔummجوْز أُمّ
stepmothermirāt ʔabbمِرات أبّ
stepbrother (mother's husband's son)ʔibnə gōz ʔummإبْن جوْز أُمّ
stepbrother (father's wife's son)ʔibnə mrāt ʔabbإبْن مْرات أبّ
stepsister (mother's husband's daughter)bintə gōz ʔummبِنْت جوْز أُمّ
stepsister (father's wife's daughter)bintə mrāt ʔabbبِنْت مْرات أبّ
stepson (husband's son)ʔibnə gōzإبْن جوْز
stepson (wife's son)ʔibnə mrāt-إبْن مْرات
stepdaughter (husband's daughter)bintə gōzبِنْت جوْز
stepdaughter (wife's daughter)bintə mrāt-بِنْت مْرات
grandfathergidd (gudūd)جِدّ (جُدود)
my grandparentsgíddi wi giddítiجِدّي و جِدِّتي
great-grandfatherʔabū giddأبو جِدّ
grandsonɧafīd (aɧfād)حفيد (أحْفاد)
grandchildrenʔaɧfād [pl.]أحْفاد
uncle (father’s brother)3amm (a3mām, 3imām)عمّ (أعْمام، عِمام)
aunt (father’s brother’s wife)mirāt 3ammمِرات عمّ
aunt (father’s sister)3ámmaعمّة
uncle (father’s sister’s husband)gōz 3ámmaجوْز عمّة
uncle (mother’s brother)xāl (axwāl)خال (أخْوال)
aunt (mother’s brother’s wife)mirāt xālمِرات خال
aunt (mother’s sister)xālaخالة
uncle (mother’s sister’s husband)gōz xālaجوْز خالة
cousin (father’s brother’s son)ʔibnə 3ammإبْن عمّ
cousin (father’s brother’s daughter)bintə 3ammبِنْت عمّ
cousin (father’s sister’s son)ʔibnə 3ámmaإبْن عمّة
cousin (father’s sister’s daughter)bintə 3ámmaبِنْت عمّة
cousin (mother’s brother’s son)ʔibnə xālإبْن خال
cousin (mother’s brother’s daughter)bintə xālبِنْت خال
cousin (mother’s sister’s son)ʔibnə xālaإبْن خالة
cousin (mother’s sister’s daughter)bintə xālaبِنْت خالة
We’re cousins.ʔíɧna wlād 3amm.إحْنا وْلاد عمّ.
orphanyatīm (aytām)يَتيم (أَيْتام)
orphanagemálgaʔ (malāgiʔ) ʔaytāmملْجأ (ملاجِئ) أَيْتام
to adoptitbánnaاِتْبنّى
to be adoptedɧadd itbannā [5d]حدّ اِتْبنّاه
I was adopted.ʔána mutabánni.أنا مُتبنّي.
an adopted sonʔibnə bi-ttabánniإبْن بِالتّبنّي
adoptive parentsʔahlə bi-ttabánniأهْل بِالتّبنّي
birth parentswalidēn [dual]والِديْن
ancestors, forefathersʔagdād [pl.]أجْداد
descendantsʔaɧfād [pl.]أحْفاد

Family in Egyptian Arabic

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Family in Egyptian Arabic

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