health | ʂíɧɧa | صِحّة | |
healthy, in good health | ʂíɧɧtu kwáyysa | صِحّْتو كْوَيّْسة | |
sickness, illness, disease | máraɖ (amrāɖ) | مرض (أمْراض) | |
sick, ill; patient | marīɖ (márɖa) | مريض (مرْضى) | |
in poor health | ta3bān | تعْبان | |
handicapped | mu3āq | مُعاق | |
wheelchair | kúrsi mutaɧárrik | كُرْسي مُتحرِّك | |
doctor | daktōr (dakātra) | دكْتوْر (دكاتْرة) | |
I don't feel well. I think I need to go see a doctor. | ɧāsis ɧāli ta3bān. bíddi ʔarūɧ 3a iddaktōr. | حاسِس حالي تعْبان. بِدّي أروح عَ الدّكْتوْر. | |
specialist | axiʂāʔi | أخِصّائي | |
cardiologist | axiʂāʔi galb | أخِصّائي قلْب | |
eye doctor, ophthalmologist | daktōr 3uyūn | دكْتور عُيون | |
to make an appointment with | áxad [55] máw3id 3ind | أخد مَوْعِد عِنْد | |
hospital | mustášfa | مُسْتشْفى | |
doctor's office, clinic | 3iyāda | عِيادة | |
nurse | mumárriɖ | مُمرِّض | |
to get a (medical) check-up | 3ámal [55] fáɧiʂ ʈíbbi | عمل فحِص طِبّي | |
to diagnose | šáxxaʂ, yšáxxiʂ | شخّص، يْشخِّص | |
diagnosis | tašxīʂ | تشْخيص | |
to examine | fáɧaʂ, yífɧaʂ | فحص، يِفْحص | |
examination | fáɧiʂ (fuɧūʂāt) | فحِص (فُحوصات) | |
The doctor examined him and diagnosed him with the flu. | iddaktōr fáɧaʂu w gāl má3u ʔinfluwánza. | الدّكْتوْر فحصو وقال معو إنْفلُوَنْزا. | |
problem | múškila (mašākil) | مُشْكِلة (مشاكِل) | |
What's wrong? | šū -lmúškila? | شو المُشْكِلة؟ | |
I'm sick. | ána 3ayyān. | أنا عيّان. | |
pain | wája3 (awjā3) | وَجع (أَوْجاع) | |
to have a backache | ɖáhru ʔája3u, ɖáhru yūja3u | ضهْرو أجعو، ضهْرو يوجعو | |
to have a headache | rāsu ʔája3u | راسو أجعو | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
I have a really bad headache. | rāsi bijá3ni ktīr. | راسي بيجعْني كْتير. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
My shoulder has been hurting for ages. | kítfi bijá3ni min zamān. | كِتْفي بيجعْني مِن زمان. | |
He has a stomachache. | báʈnu bijá3u. | بطْنو بيجعو. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
It hurts here. | fī wája3 hān. | في وَجع هان. | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
migraine | ʂudā3 níʂfi | صُداع نِصْفي | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
dizziness | dōxa | دوْخة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
dizzy | dāyix | دايِخ | |
to faint | úɣma 3lē, yúɣma 3alē | أُغْمى عليْه، يُغْمى عليْه | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
to have a cold | áxad [55] bard | أخد برْد | |
to be congested, have nasal congestion | mráššiɧ | مْرشِّح | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
to have the flu | má3u ʔinfluwánza | معو اِنْفلوَنْزا | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
to have the flu | mfálwiz | مْفلْوِز | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: |
to have a fever | ɧarārtu 3ālya | حرارْتو عالْيَة | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
to have a fever | súxun | سُخُن | |
to have a sore throat, have tonsilitis | lúwazu miltihbāt | لُوَزو مِلْتِهْبات | Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided. |
to cough | gaɧɧ, yguɧɧ | قحّ، يْقُحّ | |
to cough | kaɧɧ, ykuɧɧ | كحّ، يْكُحّ | |
to have a cough | 3índu gáɧɧa | عِنْدو قحّة | |
to vomit, throw up | nátag, yúntug | نتق، يُنْتُق | |
to vomit, throw up | istáfraɣ, yistáfriɣ | اِسْتفْرغ، يِسْتفْرِغ | |
rash | ɧasāsíyya fi -jjílid | حساسية في الجِّلِد | |
to have a rash | 3índu ɧasāsíyya | عِنْدو حساسية | |
diarrhea | ishāl | إسْهال | |
having diarrhea | 3índu ʔishāl | عِنْدو إسْهال | |
having diarrhea | míshil | مِسْهِل | |
constipated | 3índu ʔimsāk | عِنْدو إمْساك | |
to have indigestion | 3índu 3úsur háɖim | عِنْدو عُسُر هضِم | |
diabetes | súkkar | سُكّر | |
diabetes | máraɖ issúkkar | مرض السُّكّر | |
to be diabetic | má3u súkkar | معو سُكّر | |
to have asthma | 3índu rábu | عِنْدو ربوْ | |
to have asthma | 3índu ʔázma | عِنْدو أزْمة | |
to have high blood pressure | 3índu ɖáɣiʈ | عِنْدو ضغِط | |
AIDS, HIV | īdz | إيدْز | |
cancer | saraʈān | سرطان | |
to get injured | injáraɧ, yinjíriɧ | اِنْجرح، يِنْجِرِح | |
injured | majrūɧ | مجْروح | |
to get a bruise | ákal [8]ɖárba | أكل ضرْبة | |
bruised | wārim | وارِم | |
wound, cut | járiɧ (jrūɧ) | جرِح (جْروح) | |
to get stitches | (i)tɣárraz, yitɣárraz | اِتْغرّز، يِتْغرّز | |
stitch | ɣúrza (ɣúraz) | غُرْزة (غُرز) | |
burn | ɧárig (ɧrūg) | حرِق (حْروق) | |
burned | maɧrūg | محْروق | |
bandage, Band-Aid | lízig jrūɧ | لِزِق جْروح | |
to break | inkásar, yinkísir | اِنْكسر، يِنْكِسِر | |
He broke his arm. | inkásarat ʔīdu | اِنْكسرت إيدو | |
a broken bone | 3áɖma maksūra | عضْمة مكْسورة | |
cast (UK: plaster); splint | jibʂ | جِبْص | |
x-ray | ʂūrit ʔaší33a | صورِةْ أشِعّة | |
medicine | dáwa (ádwiya) | دَوا (أدْوِيَة) | |
prescription | rūšítta | روشِتّا | |
to prescribe | wáʂaf, yūʂif | وَصف، يوصِف | |
aspirin | asbirīn | أسْبيرين | |
pill | ɧábbit dáwa | حبِّةْ دَوا | |
antibiotics | muɖādd ɧáyawi | مُضادّ حَيَوي | |
injection, shot | íbra (íbar) | إبْرة (إبر) | |
to get a shot | áxad [55] íbra | أخد إبْرة | |
to draw blood | sáɧab damm, yísɧab damm | سحب دمّ، يِسْحب دمّ | |
to run a blood test | 3ámal [55] fáɧiʂ damm | عمل فحِص دمّ | |
to cure, heal | ʈāb, yʈīb | طاب، يْطيب | |
recovery, healing | taɧássun | تحسُّن | |
to treat | 3ālaj, y3ālij | عالج، يْعالِج | |
treatment | 3ilāj | عِلاج | |
infection | 3ádwa | عدْوَى | |
contagious | mú3di | مُعْدي | |
Are you contagious? | máraɖak mú3di? | مرضك مُعْدي؟ | |
surgeon | daktōr jirāɧa | دكْتوْر جِراحة | |
surgeon | jarrāɧ | جرّاح | |
surgery | 3amalíyya | عملية | |
to perform surgery on, operate on | 3ámal [55] 3amalíyya la- | عمل عملية لـ | |
to undergo surgery, have an operation | 3ámal [55] 3amalíyya | عمل عملية | |
to have an abortion | názzalat [55] [f.] | نزّلت | |
to have an abortion | 3ámlat [f.] ijhāɖ | عْملت إجْهاض | |
plastic surgeon | daktōr tajmīl | دكْتوْر تجْميل | |
plastic surgery | 3amalíyyit tajmīl | عمليةْ تجْميل | |
pregnancy | ɧámil | حمِل | |
to get pregnant by | ɧíblat min, tíɧbal min [f.] | حِبْلت مِن، تِحْبل مِن | |
to get pregnant by | ɧámlat min, tíɧmil min [f.] | حمْلت مِن، تِحْمِل مِن | |
pregnant | ɧāmil [f.] | حامِل | |
to give birth | wíldat, tūlad [f.] | وِلْدت، تولد | |
When are you due? | wagtēš ɧatūladi? | وَقْتيْش حتولدي؟ | |
She's due in early July. | ɧatūlad fi ʔáwwal sáb3a. | حتولد في أوّل سبْعة. | |
How far along is she? | b-ʔáyy šáhir ʂārat? | بْأيّ شهِر صارت؟ | |
She's six-months pregnant. | híyya fi -ššahr issādis. | هِيَّ في الشّهْر السّادِس. | |
to use birth control (pills) | áxdat [f.] ɧbūb máni3 ɧámil | أخْدت حْبوب منِع حمِل | |
condom | kōndōm | كوْنْدوْم | |
condom | wāqi zákari | واقي زكري | |
dentist | daktōr snān | دكْتوْر سْنان | |
to have a cavity | 3índu tasáwwus | عِنْدو تسوُّس | |
to have a toothache | snānu bija3ū | سْنانو بيجعوه | |
to have a chipped tooth | sínnu maksūr | سِنّو مكْسور | |
to get a filling | ɧáša sínnu, yíɧši sínnu | حشى سِنّو، يِحْشِي سِنّو | |
to get a filling | 3ámal [55] ɧášwa fi sínnu | عمل حشْوَة في سِنّو | |
to get a tooth pulled | xála3 sinn, yíxla3 sinn | خلع سِنّ، يِخْلع سِنّ | |
to get a cleaning | náɖɖaf [7] snānu | نضّف سْنانو | |
I'm going to the dentist's to get a check-up and a cleaning. | rāyiɧ 3ind daktōr lisnān á3mal fáɧiʂ w anáɖɖif snāni. | رايِح عِنْد دكْتور الِسْنان أعْمل فحِص وأنضِّف سْناني. | |
to get one's teeth whitened | báyyaɖ snānu, ybáyyiɖ snānu | بيّض سْنانو، يْبيِّض سْنانو | |
to get one's teeth whitened | 3ámal [55] la-snānu tabyīɖ | عمل لسْنانو تبْييض |
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